A trip to Wickes, courtesy of Stew, resulted in the acquisition of a bargain solid wood workbench, suitable for the bench drill amongst other things. And a relatively cheap rack of metal shelves from B&Q means I now have just about enough storage to keep things tidy. I say cheap, not quite so when you factor in all the plasters you need to stop your hands bleeding.
For the worriers amongst you, don't fret; I had the bench braced to the wall with "L" brackets before the shake of Tuesday morning so nothing fell over.
Light and power will be rearranged shortly. Ignoring the absence of adequate pressure testing facility ("safety-shmasty" as a wiseman once said, before being horribly scarred by steam and burning hot shards of metal), I think I'm good-to-go with the build of my first engine.
I hope you realise that you are not allowed to alter/add to your electrical wiring in any residential property, unless you are certified (not certifiable) to do so. At least with the recent reopening of one of Yorkshires numerous coal mines you will have fuel to power your little engine.
Phil, as you well know, with engines, size isn't everything. Nothing vulgar in my garage! :D
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