Tuesday 6 May 2008

It's just not fair

Terrible, terrible news. Cocoa had been to the vets a couple of times in the last ten days as she was crying while resting from what we thought was probably arthritis. More crying and some sickness over the weekend meant another trip this morning and an x-ray image was taken. This showed a massive tumour in her spine and she was never brought round from her anaesthetic.

Worse still, I am away from home so all this happened on the end of a phone line, I wish I could hug my wife right now. Cocoa's death has come so suddenly and unexpectedly.

Cocoa was 11 years old last October and had been a part of our family since 1998. She was the kindest, most faithful and honest soul I've ever had the pleasure to know, much more than just a dog despite how silly that sounds. Her early demise is so desperately unfair. This life just sucks.

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