Sunday, 15 June 2008

Day 24 in the house

Three and a bit weeks seem to have flown by and Belle is now a fully enrolled member of our family. Her indelible mark is easy to find around the house, in the carpet and furniture, on the wood of the back door and in the garden where she's taken a liking to the potted plants, manure and general large-scale excavation projects.

Although her kennel name is Akiko ("明子" meaning "bright/cheery child") we have wondered whether Kibako ("牙子" meaning "fangs child") might be somewhat more appropriate. For an hour or so twice each day we are visited by Bellezepup, Belle's more challenging (demonic?) alter ego, who enjoys sinking her puppy teeth into anything she can reach, humans limbs most definitely included.

Having already met a handful of dogs belonging to the rest of the family and on the local park, today she attended her first puppy class. Being kept on the lead curtailed her wilder instincts and she had a great, if not not a little cautious, time with some new friends. She even managed to respond to some of the instruction, perhaps a glimmer of brightness that we can work with.

We've been enjoying deciphering the semaphore of Belle's ears. Last week both were up and crossed so she looked like she was wearing a bishop's mitre. A few days later her left ear was standing erect like an adult's with her right ear completely down. Now they're both floppy once again and she looks as cute as is ever likely. She's starting to change colour too with light fur appearing on the top of her forelegs and the bottom of her back. She's putting on weight fast and has grown an amazing amount in the short time with us. I should be running a book on how big she's going to end up - not too big we hope!

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